Tefilat Haderech (Travelers Blessing)

(click to play)
"Traveler's Blessing"
(Recorded in Danville, California 3/6/2009  Chanting with Our Elders )

"Adonai Ori v'yishi mi-mi irah? - God is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear?" psalm 27:1

(click to play)
"Adonai Ori"

(Recorded in Oakland, California 8/12, 2007 Elul Workshop)

Sacred Hebrew Chant

See article in "The J"
The San Francisco Bay Area's
Weekly Jewish News

with Jeanette Gross

(Note - if mp3 players are not showing where it says 'click to play',
click the linked title near it and the mp3 player will open in it's own page-
We are working on this problem, but don't know when it will be fixed.)


CHANT IS A WAY OF FOCUSING on the core meaning of a prayer or piece of text that allows us to enter more fully into the kavannah, the holy intention, of the phrase. By using a simple melody and repeating the sacred phrase over and over, we are able to open our hearts to its blessing, to step inside of the prayer itself and take on its deeper meaning in a new way.

THE REPETITION OF THE PHRASE becomes a meditation. In raising our voices together we synchronize our breathing which, combined with pouring ourselves into the chant, can be a powerful tool in opening the heart and mind. In the silence after the chant we might find ourselves opening even more fully to the prayer, and I like to use this silence as a way of soaking in the effects of the practice...

RABBI SHEFA GOLD WRITES: "Chant is the bridge between the inner life and the outer expression; between the solitary practice and the shared beauty of fellowship. When we chant we are using the whole body as the instrument with which to feel the meaning of the sacred phrase."


Below are more samples of this practice, including a recording of each chant and a short teaching for the sacred phrase - the kavannah (holy intention) of the practice. (Note: To download mp3 recordings - right click on its title - (or control-click on a mac) and save the linked file)


(click to play)
"Gollel Or"

(Recorded at Temple Isaiah March 1 2013 - WRJ Worldwide Shabbat Service)


The cycle of darkness, light, darkness, light... following each other endlessly, reminds us that even in the darkest hours, Divine Light will soon shine down upon us again.  As the repetitions of the chant wash over you, let the spiraling sounds pull you gently in; let the knowledge that there will be light coming soon draw you into and through the darkness.



"Hashiveynu Elecha v'nashuva, Let us turn to You Shechinah, let us turn to You and we will be turned."  liturgy

(click to play)

No matter how far we might have strayed from our spiritual anchor, from the Divine, it is said that we have only to make the first gesture of return and we will be met by the Shechina, God's sheltering presence, who will take us by the hand and lead us back.... if we have missed the mark, this practice shows us the way to return..... in words from our liturgy we say "Let us turn to you and we will be turned - Hashiveynu Elecha v'nashuvah" ....turning, returning....


"Ana El Na R'fanala - Please God, please heal her." (Numbers 12:13: Moses pleads with God for Miriam's healing.)

(click to play)
"Ana El na R'fanala"

As Moses pleaded with God for Miriam's healing, so too, do we use these words to bring that divine healing energy to our loved ones in need of healing. Whether physical or emotional, may all those in need of healing feel surrounded by our loving blessings.... after we mention names, we will join our voices in these words of Torah and send their healing power throughout this circle and far beyond to envelop those named and unnamed who need our prayer. Remember to direct some of this healing towards your own heart, to those bruised and broken places we all hold within....

(I composed this melody in January of 2004 when my friend Simone Weinstein was diagnosed with leukemia at age 14; it has been chanted in many healing circles since then.   Simone is now in her thirties and is doing great, Thank God!!!)




(click to play)

"Ani Adonai Rofecha"


(Recorded at a Temple Isaiah Healing Circle in May 2012)

(Unless otherwise noted, recorded at Elul Workshop for Temple Beth Abraham Sisterhood, Oakland, California. August 12, 2007)

*Note: To download an mp3 recording - right click on its title - (or control-click on a mac) and save the linked file.

Ani Adonai Rofecha

(Recorded at a Temple Isaiah Healing Circle in May 2012)

Golel Or
(Recorded at Temple Isaiah March 1 2013 - WRJ Worldwide Shabbat Service)
Tefilat Haderech (Travelers Blessing)
(Recorded in Danville, California 3/6/2009  Chanting with Our Elders )


JEANETTE GROSS is Chant Leader at Temple Isaiah in Lafayette, CA. Jeanette has studied with Rabbi Shefa Gold since July, 1996 and is a graduate of Rabbi Gold's Kol Zimra Chant Leadership Training Program. Jeanette has been leading monthly sessions of Sacred Chant in Lafayette since July, 1998 and a monthly "Chanting with Our Elders" group at the Reutlinger Community for Jewish Living in Danville from March, 2000 through 2015. In addition to her regular chanting groups, Jeanette has organized and led special Sacred Chant programs for Temple Beth Abraham's Sisterhood (Oakland, CA), The Mill Valley Community Church (Mill Valley, CA), Temple Isaiah's Annual Women's Retreat and for Temple Sinai (Oakland, CA) through Lehrhaus Judaica (Berkeley, CA). In 2014, 2016 and 2018 Jeanette presented a Sacred Chant and Healing Circles workshop at LIMMUD Bay Area.  In 2008 Jeanette created Temple Isaiah's Healing Circles Project, an innovative way to support members of the community in times of illness or other need. Each Yom Kippur between Temple Isaiah's Morning and Afternoon services Jeanette leads a Sacred Chant Healing Circle intended to deepen and enrich this long day of prayer and fasting. (Open to the public, continuous from 2:30pm to 3:45 pm, leading into Temple Isaiah's Afternoon Service at 4:00 pm) Jeanette often co-leads Temple Isaiah's monthly Mussar and Meditation Service with Rabbi Jill Perlman, Rabbi Alissa Miller and Rabbi Jay LeVine - an alternative Shabbat morning service that meets on the first Saturday of the month.


Sacred Chant Healing Circle Dates



During these challenging times, we are all in need of connection, we are all in need of healing.  
Please join us on Shabbat afternoons at 2:00 pm for an hour of connecting with others in our community.
Through the practice of Sacred Hebrew Chant participants will have the opportunity to create together a powerful
circle of support for those in need of healing, present and not present, including ourselves.

Until further notice, Sacred Chant Healing Circles are being held virtually,
every week on Shabbat afternoons at 2:00pm (Pacific)

IMPORTANT NOTE: Our Healing Circles will continue to be held on Zoom for the foreseeable future until such a time
when it feels safe to meet in community in our original close-knit circle.

Please find details on Temple Isaiah's Calendar here








More detailed information is available on Temple Isaiah's website



Temple Isaiah's Healing Circles Project


Pray for Peace in Jerusalem


Chanting With Our Elders


Elul Workshop


Yom Kippur Afternoon

Sacred Chant Healing Circles


Chanting Intensive: Al Shlosha D'Varim  


Sacred Chant Program For Mill Valley Community Church



Contact Jeanette at jeanetteg@SacredHebrewChant.com




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